Thursday, March 17, 2011


Arrival to the Pacific Northwest  brought many welcome and unwelcome changes. Transitions are not only physical but mental, emotional as well.

Linda's smile
A few days after enjoying a welcome from my sister and niece who have provided us with a lovely place to stay, I was admitted to the hospital again...X rays and cat scan revealed more weakness in the the vertebraes including damage to the lumbar region. I began a ten day series of radiation  to ease the severe pain I was undergoing. We also changed the medication from old man Morpheus to methadone. after some deliberation and thought, we decided Hospice will be the best route to go, and Saturday 12 March, I was discharged from the hospital and a  small sturdy hospital bed was delivered to the house as well as a rolling side table.
Ah to smell the fresh Evergreens and see the tall trees as a fire crackles in the fireplace is quite a blessing after being cooped up in the hospital!
Hospice will allow us home care, with a weekly/ biweekly visit from a nurse, help with other needs, emergency services as well as possibly volunteers to help out down the road as things progress. My family is very supportive in my cocoon state of vulnerability.

The sun is yes, occasionally showing her face, small tubulars are popping up, daffodils. crocuses, big fat robins exploring the cold earth for food as we change the clocks and prepare for the Spring solstice. Yesterday evening we saw a double rainbow followed by the  beautiful waxing moon. There is such beauty in our lives; physical, mental and emotional if we take a moment to look thorough the tears and pain. Take a moment!
I love hearing from you all and if there is an update I missed that you might be interested in ie Hospice, let me know.
All my love

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