Sunday, January 31, 2010

LINKS and Detox stage II

I have been thinking about links. I promised a friend that I would send her a link (below) and we all regularly send electronic links for a fav website or u tube video. The word is a special one because we are all linked to each other, to this rock that lives and breathes that we call Planet Earth, and all its myriad of life forms.
Many are the ways to create a link and many are the ways to break one. Regardless of your beliefs, the link of the life-energy is the most powerful and is maintained through the all pervasive Love that supports and empowers us; this I send as my Valentine.

Life is wonderful

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite celebrations (What better than to celebrate love!) and February one of the best months down here in So. Florida because it is still cool, yet warm enough to have a garden and go barefoot.
As this blog is about my path of healing, I fear that I have side tracked a little and some of you have asked about my diet, etc. Well diet consists of not only what we eat, but what we consume daily in our lives; news, videos, visual input/ output, our breath, get the picture. (Nov 4, 2009 post describes my initial diet) I have made some changes, spend my mornings quietly, reading and ! I am breathing!!! keeping my life simple for now, eating and preparing organic live food. I am sprouting daily and love the taste, radish, lentil, alfalfa, fenugreek, and sesame. My garden is beginning to produce greens, I ate fresh arugula and spring onions in my salad today. I make a dressing with olive oil, umboshi plum, and sometimes I add some fresh herbs. .
I visited a Naturopath this week in the lovely town of Port Charlotte on the west coast of Florida. It is about a two and 1/2 hour drive. The beaches are clean over there ( the east coast has been compromised by civilisation!) and still have the white sands that feel so soft and lovely on one's bare feet. The day was a beautiful winter day that warmed up to 70 F by mid day. A very good friend came with me and we perused Suzanne Somers book Breakout on the drive up. She strongly advocates bio identical hormone therapy.... *more on that later.
The office of Dr Robert Morse is cheerful and the staff is happy. It is clean and painted with colorful flowers. He sat with us for over two hours explaining about the cells and how they function in the body and what they need within the two basic systems, blood and lymph.

I have been on an alkaline diet since my diagnosis in October, eating organic green juices which I juice myself, and salads as well as taking supplements. I still eat no meat, breads, milk, or refined sugar of any kind.

I will not go into all the details of his assessments of my state of health, but on his recommendation, I have added fruits, fresh and organic to flush out my kidneys and I will try to eat all raw for the next four weeks.
If I find it gets too cold, I will add a cooked sweet potato or make a warm broth with the left over roughage from the green juices (I add water and steam it for a few minutes then strain the roughage out and add some sea vegetables which I steam for an other few minutes, maybe adding daikon, green onions or leeks. I am still resting quite a lot as my body won't let me maintain the schedule I had become accustomed to, but slowly I intend to regain/ regenerate a clean healthy energy
"Nature uses detoxification as its main source of cleaning impurities. This is the only true way to heal and cure yourself of anything."
This is the link to his website: (
*When I asked him about bio identical hormones, he said something that I think we need to consider. Once you start supplementing your body with artificial hormones, the body will quit making them. Perhaps it is better to strengthen the cellular tissues naturally, clean the lymphatics, and trust nature. I will do more research on this, and if any of my readers have feedback, I will certainly be happy to hear what you think or have experienced. I welcome any questions you have and thank you for all the support.

I close with a quote from Dr. Morse's workbook,
"Your physical body is an organic, carbon based being. It is an expression of the awareness and the consciousness of God. It expresses itself and is maintained and repaired via over 76 trillion cells or units (states) of awareness.

Happy Valentine's Day
Share your Love !

Friday, January 15, 2010


This week we had a cold spell. How we all complained!! ... we are not accustomed to heaters and heavy jackets and shoes and socks. Nights were in the thirties(F) and even my cat stayed indoors. My sister Nina came down from Pennsylvania and found it quite a nice change from below zero.
We had a nice couple of days together including a trip to Butterfly world where even the butterflies had been kept indoors and were slowly being reintroduced to the atrium as the weather began to warm. Today it is back in the 70's F and feels great! Our conversations circled around healing emotional and physical hurts and taking charge.

Why is it after a crisis I feel the need to speak? Perhaps those are the days we make the most progress, perceiving a dark cloud in ones mind and finding a way through it to the light again. I have been resting a lot and my past active non-stop personality jumped in and criticised my indolence or what I have been defining as inertia.
Origin1705-15 Latin : lack of skill, slothfulness
Synonyms: torpor, inaction, laziness

The property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted on by an external force.


It is the child that sees the primordial secret in Nature and it is the child or ourselves we return to. the child within is simple and daring enough to live the Secret" LAO-TZU

I prefer the definition of retaining its state of rest along a straight line, but my crazy head calls me inactive and lazy, closer to the 17 century definition.

Regardless, today is a new day and I began by a walk in the hood. It is a clear cool winter morning Florida style and I observed the big ficus trees wrapped around themselves, the live oaks, two entwined as one, and picked a small bouquet of fresh fragrant jasmine, juxtaposed in between an old fence and the trash along the alley where I chose to walk. The idea to walk this bright morning came from Julia Cameron's book The Vein of Gold. Maybe some of you know her from The Artists Way.

Her task is to walk daily 20 minutes. Try it?

Monday, January 4, 2010


Happy New Year! 2010 has arrived and with it, the celebration of hope and optimism for all things prosperous and beneficial to Nature. We are but a small part yet must inevitably play a large part in her regeneration and healing.

This blog I dedicate in gratitude to all the wonderful people who have been encouraging me. Through your prayers dear friends, sisters and mothers, I find solace and strength. What follows is a poem that was sent to me, and was written by a Celt, John O’Donohue.

I found it deeply resonated with many of my initial emotions and thoughts. If you care to take the time to read it, You will also find two beautiful poems about blessings

I don't wish to fill the space with more
words, so for now,in the words of the Incredible String Band.
" May all love shine upon you"

Poet, Philosopher

On the occasion of his official opening of
The art collection of Inis Aoibhinn
Cancer Care West - Residence and Support Centre
Friday 14th September 2007

For a Friend on the Arrival of Illness.

Now is the time of dark invitation.

Beyond a frontier you did not expect,

Abruptly your old life seems distant.

You barely noticed how each day

Opened a path through fields never questioned,

Yet expected deep down to hold treasure.

Now your time on earth becomes full of threat,

Before your eyes your future shrinks.

You lived absorbed in the day-to-day,

So continuous with everything around you 

That you could forget you were separate.

Now this dark companion has come between you

Distances have opened in your eyes

And you feel that against your will

A stranger has married your heart.

Nothing before has made you feel 
So isolated and lost…

When the reverberations of shocks subside in you

May grace come to restore you to balance.

May it shape a new space in your heart

To embrace this illness as a teacher

Who has come to open your life to new worlds.

May you find in yourself a courageous hospitality

Towards what is difficult, painful and unknown.

May you learn to use this illness as a lantern 

To illuminate the new qualities that will emerge in you.

May the fragile harvesting of this slow light 

Release whatever has become false in you.

May you trust this light to clear a path

In all the fog of old unease and anxiety,

Until you feel arising within you a tranquillity

Profound enough to call the storm to stillness.

May you find the wisdom to listen to your illness 

Ask it why it came, 

Why it chose your friendship,

Where it wants to take you,

What it wants you to know,

What quality of space it wants to create in you,

What you need to learn to become more fully yourself,

That your presence may shine in the world.

May you keep faith with your body,

Learning to see it as a holy sanctuary

Which can bring this night wound

Gradually towards the freedom and healing light of dawn.

May you be granted the courage and vision

To work through passivity and self-pity,

To see the beauty you can harvest 

From the riches of this dark invitation.

And may you learn to receive it graciously,

And promise to learn swiftly that it may leave you newborn

Willing to dedicate your time to birth.

Go raibh mile maith agaibh.