Monday, February 21, 2011

The journey continues

Sunday Feb 13, we had a Valentine's Brunch with many lovely friends; a sort of send off and celebration of love. Feb 14 Monday, Volvo loaded we set out for the great wide west.

Today is day six of our travels across the USA. It has been so long since I have seen this country. For many years (I hate to admit how many perhaps 20?), my travels have been uniquely in Europe so that I am often surprised to hear English spoken on this trip!

At one rest stop we discovered as passenger as a little gecko crawled out of my bag. Carefully releasing her I hope she finds a new home.

So far we have traveled through seven states. The long drive out of Florida through the panhandle onto Hwy 10 took us across Alabama, Louisiana, into Texas, another long vast stretch of endless land and big skies. The weather stayed clear with cold mornings cool even warm afternoons! Physically I am doing ok thanks to Amy's care (She carries the luggage which includes a small kitchen)and all your prayers and financial help. We rise early and drive through the morning and afternoon, then stop to rest at an all American motel.
We cut up to Hwy 40 into Oklahoma and yes, again Texas to New Mexico where we encountered the most beautiful land which seemed to stretch into infinity. Sunrise was aa brilliant show of color and light, flames rising over the roadside truck stop.
(Photos are by Amy)

As the color faded in the east, a big full moon dripped out of the western clouds. What an amazing morning. (Amy has a full file of photos as the colors faded into day! Check out her blog, A Yoga Year,
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full moon morning

New Mexico hosts the Petrified  Forest National Park in Holbrook. We took a 28 mile detour through the park to admire the painted desert. My first reaction was absolute awe at nature's fine art. Vast "Badlands" of forms, shapes, changing colors and patterns as the weather varied. Photos and descriptions cannot possibly do it justice and I am thankful for the opportunity to have seen and experienced them.

     Painted Desert 

We heard that there would be 16 inches of snow in Flagstaff, AZ which is at a high elevation. We sensibly planned to be past it before the storm hit. Whoops! The snow came fast and furious and my Florida car was not happy. Luckily we were close to an exit, and thanks to Amy's heroic driving in zero visability and slick unplowed roads, we made it to a motel. Overshooting the parking lot by a few feet, the father of a cheerful family building snowmen oblivious to my terror(!) pushed us the last few feet into a parking space and here we decided to stay until the storm passes. By tomorrow, Monday we should be back on the road with the ultimate idea of heading up the California coast and avoiding any more snowy clashes with mother nature.

Snow in Arizona

I hope you enjoyed the update. Love and light as we all travel our individual journeys and paths.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The Garden

After over three months in this apartment, I will be moving across country to Olympia Washington in the Pacific Northwest accompanied by my sister, where I will be close to other family members who have offered their loving care.
Change like this can be frightening, moving away from familiar places and dear friends. I have been guided through this journey, carried by so many loving people and the spirit of giving. This new choice to move is also a gift offered to me by my family, however shaky it feels.

The mind thinks  
That any change 
Is painful.  
The heart feels 
That any change 
Is powerful.
Sri Chinmoy

How do I say thank you to all the people surrounding me who care so deeply to be able and willing to carry my weight at times when I have fallen. Thank you from the depth of my heart!

I have stopped treatments for now to gain weight and strength for the move. We have scheduled an appointment with an oncologist after we arrive for the first of March.

I have slowly been giving away stuff, lightening my load little by little, observing many years of photos, journals, and work history, carrying me to the present moment,  packing art supplies, computer and clothes. (It will be quite a climate change!)

Well as some of you know, February brings my favorite holiday, Valentine's Day, the celebration of Amore... Love pure and simple.

I wish you all Love,with a capital ' L'. Celebrate life! It is so easy to rest in our problems and anxieties, believe me I know! 
 I have seen a kind and gentle psychologist who reminded me of my meditation practice... and as difficult as I am finding  it in my self absorption, I have begun quiet sitting. He also reminded me of how fortunate I am to have you all supporting me. All through various means; food such as fresh soups and 'magic mandelbread', for shopping for me, and for all the long distance communication, in essence for encouraging and uplifting my spirit..
I also met with my dear friends at White Crane Healing Arts for acupuncture, knowledge, the practice of  breathing, and lots of healing energy.

I am and will be with you all in spirit
Blessings, Love and Light