I had an idea this morning after reading a book called Jungle Medicine by Connie Graud.
She is referring to the many tribal folk who came to see her, and check on her when she was healing. I quote:
" It dawned on me how, in a tribal society, the health of each member was of great importance, as each one contributed something of essential value. An unwell mother couldn't cook for her family. Injury to a hunter could mean insufficient meat for the group. If the shaman were incapacitated, there was no tribal doctor to deal with medical emergencies, and so on.
Back home when I was ill or injured, I took a pill, applied some kind of medication, put on a bandage and went back to work. And no one cared much one way or the other. Feeling this group care and support made me realise what a deprivation it s absence in modern culture truly is."
Now I know that everyone I send this to has their own health/emotional issues, but perhaps if we can by Internet (which is our tribal way of communication these days) reach out and ask for support it can be very easy.
What my request is simply this; that on Monday EST at noon you give me a minute or two of loving support, however you believe, prayer, good vibes, healing energy,etc. Focus on the pelvic
region of my body, but include the entire physical vehicle as I would like to occupy it for a few more years, paint, dance and send my thoughts to you.
It has been a learning experience to ask for help over these long months, but in the last few weeks, it has been pouring in, meeting old and dear friends, unconditional support from my longtime partner, financial gifts, and the never tiring support of my beautiful dancer/garden fairy who called me morning a and night. Weekly visits to the White Crane Healing Arts have been support and stability this winter of change.
What is receiving but giving the gift of gratitude and feeling overwhelming awe at the power of unity between beings?
This week I received the shock of losing someone near and dear who I will never see again on this plane, but she remains in my heart and soul as we are truly connected by light. I am reminded of the lyrics " Every time you go away, you take a little piece of me" I feel that a little piece of me goes with her on her journey.
In that I say, make each hour of your relationships count. Reach out even if you don't feel like it. When I was in the deepest darkness, I crawled inside myself and indulged in sadness and despair. We need to establish a unity as family, as people to heal ourselves and the planet. We cannot afford to whine and wallow. Precious is the love you share, deepen it, don't feel that others don't want to help because they do!! I say this as much for me as for anyone who cares to listen.
SO if you remember and a have the inclination, think of me Monday 12 noon EST

we can. It will be like a group hug.
Blessings and many thanks