Monday, December 20, 2010
Happy Sostice
Monday, December 13, 2010
It has been a long time since I posted. Why? The treatments have weakened me physically and honestly I haven't felt like sharing. I have been fighting the pain, the lack of identity( that which we name ourselves...dancer, artist, athlete), and my dependence.
Today was my last radiation treatment and there is some regression of the tumor. I will meet with the oncologist tomorrow to see what he suggests as the next step.
At this point I believe I have come to a place of acceptance...acceptance of what is. That includes the pain, the sleepless nights and the lack of energy to work. But with that comes a grace in the loving people who surround me, encourage me, pray for me, and nourish me. They bring with them smiles and stories and the gift of their time. I would be very selfish not to appreciate the abundance.
My dear friend's husband bought an outdoor table and chairs and a lounge chair for the garden. There I can sit in the sun and watch the butterflies or doze. When it is warm, breakfast outdoors!
We have planted hanging pots of petunias and geraniums and a water crystal hangs reflecting the light. All in all, it is a beautiful outdoor space.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Phoenix Rising

Sunday, September 12, 2010
To Guide the Way

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here it is the first week of September. I have been four weeks at Humlgaarden on the Baltic Sea. I am told we are very lucky that the weather has been calm and fair. Mornings, Amy and I walk to the sea and marvel at the hardiness of the Danish who come for an early morning dip.

Nearby is an ancient site full of energy in a woods guarded by old oaks and elms.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
River of Tears and a Veil of Light

Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Dance of Life

fresh raspberries in the morning,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer Solstice

With the summer solstice comes a desire for contact with you via a new post.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
A request for Unity

I had an idea this morning after reading a book called Jungle Medicine by Connie Graud.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Invincible Warrior

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Vernal Equinox 2010 Detox III

Happy Spring! I am so grateful for the sun. Today I actually got out into the garden and weeded and potted some basil. The sun was warm and the breeze cool, I believe that spring is finally here!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ruminations on Impatience

It has been quite a while since I posted, but it is not for lack of thoughts to share, but perhaps for the fact that sometimes I prefer to keep to myself. As an animal healing, it is often easier not to expend too much energy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010
LINKS and Detox stage II

Friday, January 15, 2010

LORIKEETS![]() "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in Nature and it is the child or ourselves we return to. the child within is simple and daring enough to live the Secret" LAO-TZU I prefer the definition of retaining its state of rest along a straight line, but my crazy head calls me inactive and lazy, closer to the 17 century definition. Regardless, today is a new day and I began by a walk in the hood. It is a clear cool winter morning Florida style and I observed the big ficus trees wrapped around themselves, the live oaks, two entwined as one, and picked a small bouquet of fresh fragrant jasmine, juxtaposed in between an old fence and the trash along the alley where I chose to walk. The idea to walk this bright morning came from Julia Cameron's book The Vein of Gold. Maybe some of you know her from The Artists Way. Her task is to walk daily 20 minutes. Try it? |
Monday, January 4, 2010

This blog I dedicate in gratitude to all the wonderful people who have been encouraging me. Through your prayers dear friends, sisters and mothers, I find solace and strength. What follows is a poem that was sent to me, and was written by a Celt, John O’Donohue.
I found it deeply resonated with many of my initial emotions and thoughts. If you care to take the time to read it, You will also find two beautiful poems about blessings

For a Friend on the Arrival of Illness.
Now is the time of dark invitation.
Beyond a frontier you did not expect,
Abruptly your old life seems distant.
You barely noticed how each day
Opened a path through fields never questioned,
Yet expected deep down to hold treasure.
Now your time on earth becomes full of threat,
Before your eyes your future shrinks.
You lived absorbed in the day-to-day,
So continuous with everything around you
That you could forget you were separate.
Now this dark companion has come between you
Distances have opened in your eyes
And you feel that against your will
A stranger has married your heart.
Nothing before has made you feel
So isolated and lost…
When the reverberations of shocks subside in you
May grace come to restore you to balance.
May it shape a new space in your heart
To embrace this illness as a teacher
Who has come to open your life to new worlds.
May you find in yourself a courageous hospitality
Towards what is difficult, painful and unknown.
May you learn to use this illness as a lantern
To illuminate the new qualities that will emerge in you.
May the fragile harvesting of this slow light
Release whatever has become false in you.
May you trust this light to clear a path
In all the fog of old unease and anxiety,
Until you feel arising within you a tranquillity
Profound enough to call the storm to stillness.
May you find the wisdom to listen to your illness
Ask it why it came,
Why it chose your friendship,
Where it wants to take you,
What it wants you to know,
What quality of space it wants to create in you,
What you need to learn to become more fully yourself,
That your presence may shine in the world.
May you keep faith with your body,
Learning to see it as a holy sanctuary
Which can bring this night wound
Gradually towards the freedom and healing light of dawn.
May you be granted the courage and vision
To work through passivity and self-pity,
To see the beauty you can harvest
From the riches of this dark invitation.
And may you learn to receive it graciously,
And promise to learn swiftly that it may leave you newborn
Willing to dedicate your time to birth.