Blessings and Joy
I wasn't really sure where to post this or if I should just send a group email, but this format is simpler to post photos and write my rambling thoughts. The subject also seems to be in sinc with healing, forgiveness and understanding and maybe even New Years resolutions(?) So here I am again.
I have been doing a lot of thinking and reading and meditation. Years ago I took a workshop with a Slovenian artist named Marko Pogacnik, who leads seminars in earth healing.
Sometimes I think that we tend to blame our illnesses on our toxic environment and if we improve the quality of our food, water, air, etc we will not have so much disease. Yes this is most likely true, but sometimes I feel quite helpless in the face of the overwhelming facts of global warming and where do I/ can I help. I do believe that it is the individual that creates change. I have been revisiting the teachings of Pogacnik and came across this bit, which I would like to share.
This is a passage from his book which I found inspiring, a little different and immediately accessible:
If more and more people find inner peace and attunement with their true Selves, the resulting healing energy will necessarily have an effect on planetary life systems. Earth-healing processes are stimulated even if nothing specific has been undertaken in this respect. This feedback process, which is based on the law of macro-microcosmic resonance, is the reason I am convinced that embarking on a process of personal transformation is the most important contribution towards earth healing we can make. It is also the most democratic; no one can worm their way out of it by claiming ignorance of earth healing. It is simply down to the way we treat our own bodies, thoughts and emotions. None of us can escape this responsibility for all of life and, to put it the other way around, we can all contribute in our own unique way towards healing the earth.
From Healing the Heart of the Earth
Beautifully put and has quite exciting possibilities don't you think?
from the garden

Today I met a man named Raoul who opened a raw food restaurant with his wife called Green Wave.
He took the time to talk to me and in that conversation I became so convinced that I have chosen not only the right path for healing but that this is truly a new and trans formative path. Also I had a delicious salad and saw possibilities of new recipes for tasty energising food. His wife gives classes in raw food preparation.
I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season, take time and take care