Happy Spring! I am so grateful for the sun. Today I actually got out into the garden and weeded and potted some basil. The sun was warm and the breeze cool, I believe that spring is finally here!
What a cold winter it has been.
I had an eventful week last week in that I met with a wonderful woman Jill Ayn Schneider www.circle-of-life.net She has been an inspiration for me from the beginning of my diagnosis, sand this was the first time I had the opportunity to visit with her.
I had my second meeting with Dr. Morse in Port Charlotte, who suggested it is time for a 10 - day detox fast. I began Thursday with fresh grapes, grape juice and teas. He calls it the "top of the mountain" detox, fast. These last three days I have been sipping a home squeezed-lemonade as well as taking the herbs and supplements. Sunday I will add more fruits and little by little reintroduce veggies. It is not so easy for me to write this as it has been quite difficult but has also been a great learning experience, physically, mentally and emotionally.
I won't dwell too much on the particulars of the fast, but I do wish say thank you to those that have stayed beside me in my little yin world that I have wrapped around me like a cloak. I am especially grateful for my dear friends at White Crane Healing Arts www.whitecranehealingarts.com for continued support, humor and guidance!
What I prefer to speak of here is the enormous grace and love that comes with being so powerless. Forced to slow down and be present, I spent the week quietly reading, watching films, breathing, listening and hanging like a cocoon in the hammock. I have had lots of contemplative time to examine my relationship with mySelf and the world around me.
It is with age that wisdom comes. How do you teach the value of taking care of one's self? I will pass along what have learned, and that is to study Nature. Processed foods and packaged products are not meant for our consumption( don't tell the marketers that!). If we insist on fresh vegetables and fruit, the supply will increase and prices will go down. That aside, eating organically in the end is cheaper...medical bills and even alternative health professionals can be more that one is able to spend. Fresh fruit and veggies can be energising. Study, read the labels, stay away from sugar and denatured foods. It can be an adventure in eating. Teach your children well. Retraining and reconditioning is important to create new eating habits, the body loves habits...make them good ones! Eat only when hungry and don't overeat. oooo
This is sounding a bit like a lecture now ......

I did say I would pass along what I have learned which is; there is so much more to health than food, happiness and acceptance living without judging trust be present LOVE listen and be still weakness can be powerful illness can be a gift detoxification is crucial and more stay tuned!
Blessings, Tanza